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In the second part of the KET speaking exam the examiner gives the students a card with some information or some ideas for questions. Basically the students ask and answer simple questions about daily life for 3 to 4 minutes. Usually five questions and their answers. I have made 6 cards for my students to work with. Some different material to work with is always good even if they do laugh at my drawings. Download them here if you like, KETCards . For part 1, check out this video I made on YouTube. Please share, etc if you find them useful in your own class. Enjoy.
30 Have you ever questions to print out for older teenagers and adults. Great activity to get your students to speak about themselves and their life experiences. Read from the printable or cut them out, put them face down and go through the questions one by one. It's a good activity for a one to one class but more fun with a small group. Download here: Have You Ever...? or watch on YouTube .
Here is a fun game for your students to practice the Past Irregular Verbs. In pairs they have to sink each others ships to win the game. To shoot at a square they have to say the past form of the verb in the square. Easy. Most of your students will have played Battleship before. There are 49 verbs to practice with. For students who are learning the verbs for the first time, give them a list to work from or tell them they can use their books for help. To make it more difficult, ask your students to spell the verb or make a sentence with the verb in the past. Either affirmative, negative or interrogative. Teach them words like HIT, MISS and SUNK beforehand. You can download here: Battleship
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